Unity Wins!
We are "better together!"
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God’s plan is that we work in partnership: “… that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.” John 4:36

— Josh McDowell – Founder, Josh McDowell Ministries
“The times we live in mandate networking as a necessity, not an option. Better Together is a rare treasure of wisdom and experience that will help us work together to reach our world.”
— Randy Pope – Senior Pastor, Perimeter Church, Johns Creek, GA
“The principles of Better Together pave the pathway for spiritual impact. God used Paul to disciple me when I was a young man – thus, I know first-hand the effectiveness of Paul’s insights, teaching and ministry. You are in for a blessing.”
— Larry Acosta – President, Urban Youth Worker Institute
"Our cities are fragmented. The message of Better Together is desperately needed to connect urban leaders and ministries to more effectively reach this young and urban world."
— Louie Giglio – Pastor, Passion City Church, Atlanta)
“The principles of Better Together are counter-culture to most norms, but will bring anyone willing into a broader Jesus-coalition with greater impact than any of us could have on our own. Hopefully, we will all gladly give in to the glorious reality that we is greater than me.