See You at the Pole – What Happens when Students Pray
“Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians than praying together. Never do they love one another so well as when they witness...

Don't Forget the Mortar
The first time a youth worker from another country visited my office, it made an indelible impression on me. He took one look at my...

Caring for our Roots
Roses are my favorite flowers. I love to look at them, smell them, display them, and especially – I love to grow them. I inherited the...

Why Don't We See More Unity
People are suspicious by nature – at least that’s what I’ve observed in over 30 years of collaborating, as president of the National...

The Kind of Unity Jesus Wants
In John 17, during His final earthly hours, we have an actual record of Jesus’ conversation with His Father – about us! It is so moving...

Humility: The Foundation for Unity
Billy Graham said, “The greatest need among Christians and churches today is for genuine spiritual revival. Whenever God has touched His...